The Wicked Widow

Who Am I?

Really -“I’m just a small town girl born and raised in South Detroit.” Ok, I’m not, but I did just get that song in your head.  Sorry, I couldn’t resist. My name is Katie and I really did grow up in a small town in a “normal” middle class family. It wasn’t perfect but there was always love and laughter!

I am now a high school counselor raising three children solo.  My husband passed away tragically in a freak paddle boarding accident in 2016.  Laughter and humor have always been my jam and I used it in many ways to heal and live life after loss- Hence “The Wicked Widow” blog name. My late- husband was the funniest person that I had ever met.  He also was a huge fan of quoting movies; especially”Goodwill Hunting.”  So here I am, carrying on his legacy because I am of course, “wicked” funny and “wicked” smart.  And if you knew Andy he is probably rolling his eyes from up above. 

This blog is just my story through grief and how I am still laughing, and crying, laughing, and sobbing, laughing, and blubbering, but most importantly, I’m still living.  I hope you find this blog useful in your journey through grief and find that your life too is still worth living!