The Wicked Widow

Now, Then, and Gratitude

Tis the season. Everyone wants to talk about what they are grateful for. I’m all for gratitude.  I also know that I have to remind myself daily of the things I am grateful for.  If I don’t, my life path will take a dramatic curve. It would be very easy for me to look at all the negative.  You see my life has changed so drastically in the past 2 years.  As I approach the date of my late husbands death, the theme “Now and Then”  floods my thoughts.  What I was grateful then, will never hold a candle to what I know is true gratitude now.

I want to take you back to this time 2 years ago.  In this week of Thanksgiving and gratitude, I lost my husband.  My grief journey was born, as my husbands life would come to an end.  In my grief’s infancy, my new journey took form.  I have been reflecting on my grief’s early days, as I approach the week of my husband’s death.  Putting words to grief is truly a challenging task. I am going to attempt a poetic approach, in which my daughter informed me that it was no good-because it didn’t rhyme.

Those pains both emotional and physical were then, gratitude was not a word, worth comprehension.  Now is different.  Gratitude is worth seeking because with every turn it can be found. My poem today is different.  My life today is different.  There are so many things to be grateful for.  Count your blessing both big and small, not just on the week of Thankfulness- Everyday.  Cliche as it is- Take it from me, you never know if it will be your last.

Life is short but sweet for certain- DMB