The Wicked Widow


Christmas day is over, decorations are starting to come down, I think I even saw Valentines decorations up at Target!  Our attention is now shifting to the New Year. A fresh start, new beginning, a time for changes to be made, and of course the infamous New Years Resolution.  So what does it mean to make a resolution? The dictionary defines resolution as- “a firm decision to do or not to do something”

I’ve decided this year that I am going to make a firm decision to not do something.  I am going to embrace what I am cleverly calling the “un-resolution.”  Change is fabulous and I am all about it. Most resolutions are very well-meaning- lose weight, stop smoking, travel more, learn something new etc….  

So what is this “un-resolution?”  What I am proposing is to stop, look around, accept what I have, and simply embrace it!  I want to challenge you to do the same. We get so caught up in the material world, looking a certain way, and being someone others want us to be, or we think they want us to be.  But there is so much goodness right in front of us that’s worth talking about.

It’s not that I am not going to be making any changes in the new year- change is a part of life- inevitable, but part of my “un-resolution” is to acknowledge all the good that is occurring all around me and not get caught up in all of the things I don’t have and all the negativity we can get caught up in.  When I make this simple statement, I feel as I head into the New Year it will enable me to see life more clearly and all the love and joy that surrounds me.

Here is my “un-resolution” and acknowledgment of all that already have:
*My health *Faith *A Meaningful Career and wonderful coworkers *Healthy Children *Supportive family *A warm loving home *Hugs and kisses daily from my children *A vehicle to get me to where I need to go *Safe Community *Diet Coke (yep-its the little things) *Hilarious and wonderful friends *Great schools and teachers for my children *Care for my littlest when I am working *Laughter Everyday! *Dry shampoo (seriously) *Beautiful Memories *Having people in my life I love and love me *Oh, there are so many more but here’s my start!!!

I challenge you to make your “un-resolution” too! Go ahead and make the necessary changes needed for the new year, but don’t forget all the beauty, love, laughter and happiness that is right in front of you.  Count your blessings as we countdown to 2019!!!!

Life is short but sweet for certain-DMB